Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Game Plan Today

Today I begin the most arduous of tasks: cleaning and decluttering my closet. I have so many papers, magazines, bags, clothing, etc. thrown into it and lying about that I'm almost frightened of what I'll find. Then I think about how great it felt after this was done to the kitchen and I know that this will feel just as fantastic.

Later this afternoon we may work out in the front yard. There's another gigantic task. However, we had a nice conversation this morning about it and what needs to be done. I decided to start a spring fund. I'll put so many dollars or any loose change into it every week so that by the time spring rolls around, I'll probably have a good amount saved that can go towards new sod, flowers, and vegetables. People talk about using feng shui on the house (which I've done in past residences and need to do in this house) but you know what? Sometimes the yard needs that too. It's all about the energy that greets you when you come home.

Picture this: you pull into your driveway, past colorful fall mums. You park your car and walk onto the porch with its windchimes tinkling in the autumn breeze. The leaves of the trees are changing. That wonderful scent of autumn is in the air. You walk into the house and are greeted by one of your puppies. The kitchen is bright and welcoming. You take care of the dogs and you go into your sanctuary of a bedroom with its green walls and warm, inviting furniture.

Now picture this: you pull into a driveway, past overgrown weeds and ivy that just doesn't die. You go into your kitchen and all you see are the dirty dishes, the toaster that was left out. You take care of the dogs and you go into a bedroom with a bed that's not made and when you go to change your clothes you enter a closet overflowing with random mail, Rachael Ray magazines, scattered shoes, and Michael's shopping bags.

Which scene do you think you'd prefer?

It's not essentially about being neat and tidy all the time. It's about the way a room or a yard or the whole house feels. We are made up of energy, we are surrounded by a world made up of energy, we put out energy into the world that influences other people. We are extremely sensitive to other energies, whether they're good or bad. Your home should have positive, loving energy. You should feel good when you drive into the yard or enter the house. It should be a sanctuary. And if it's not, don't you think it's time that you made it that way?

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