Monday, November 21, 2011

Movement is Required

They were sitting in my closet, all shiny and new, and they seemed to be calling to me, "Come, put us on! Take a walk! You know you want to!" Yes, I'm talking about my tennis shoes (running shoes, sneakers, whatever you want to call them). I had bought them the weekend before along with a pair of Yoga pants, determined that I was going to start going to our work's gym at lunch and walking on the treadmill.

Yeah. Right.

The first two days of last week I forgot to bring the gym bag, although it was packed. I brought it Wednesday and it was still there on Thursday, but, alas, it remained sadly on the floor of my cubicle. I glanced down at it and thought, "I'm really going to do this. I'm going to put together an exercise plan, starting on Sunday. We're going to walk the dogs!"

Strangely enough, we did actually walk the dogs on Sunday! The new shoes have been broken in! How great walking feels! What a pretty neighborhood we have to walk around in! What a pain-in-the-butt Atreyu is to walk on a leash! (Thankfully my wonderful fiance took care of him while I handled Sebastian, the easier dog.) We walked down to the duck pond, caught sight of a blue heron, then headed back up and around the neighborhood until we returned to our street. It was a nice, cool day. The dogs had a great time, and you know what? So did we.

This is good, right? I can do this! That's what I told myself! If I can stick with the plan and walk the dogs on Sunday, then I can stick with the plan for this week.

I know that it's only Monday but so far, so good. We got up this morning and did AM Yoga. It was a nice day today (well, it was at lunchtime, at least) and I took a twenty-minute walk around my work campus. My legs were thoroughly confused and they protested a bit before the walk was over, but I did it! I even ate a healthy lunch. I feel slimmer already. And surely yesterday and today's exercise burned off those calories from the chocolate peppermint cookies I ate Saturday evening . . .

Cookies aside . . . I like this whole morning yoga/walking at lunch/healthy food thing that I'm aiming for. I've aimed for it before (and failed quite miserably) but I know that if I set my mind to it, then I can accomplish whatever goal I've established. This will be great for my health and life in the long run. Yes, getting back down to a smaller size in clothing will be nice (and looking gorgeous in my wedding dress next year is even better) but I really look forward to being in the best shape for hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

I would like to tell you about my best friend Nichole because she is my biggest inspiration in life right now. Last year in October, she set a weight loss and toning up goal. She has more than succeeded at this. She is kicking some major butt in the fitness department. She's even running! And let me tell you, she is looking great. I love it when she texts me a picture of the new mileage she's met in running or when she's reached a new goal. I am so proud of her. It's not just fitness, either. She and her husband planted a garden last year and got a great crop. They've been canning and making amazing meals with their produce. I wish my garden had done quite so well! But most importantly, I can admire her motivation and her determination and use her as an example of how to stick to my goals, stay motivated, and live life to my fullest potential. Thank you, Nichole, and keep pushing for what you want. You are a wonderful person, I love you like a sister, and I know that you can do anything!

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