Hmm, haven't blogged since February. What have I been doing since then? Very little in the field of writing, not even with my books.
In fact, I feel like I've been floating along a lot these past four months, not really paying attention to the time that's passing me by. One time I had over a year to my wedding, and now I have five weeks. I'm not panicking about that yet, thankfully (and hopefully I don't). I know it will be beautiful and perfect.
One has to wonder (me especially) what else has been slipping me by when I haven't been paying attention. Lots of resolutions that I made at the beginning of the year, I'm sure, such as eating healthy and sending birthday cards. We had a plan for the yard, too, which has fallen by the wayside. We did go camping one weekend this month, but it was the first time we'd hiked in the mountains in eight months. Weeks fly by quickly and weekends even quicker - the year is half over already. It'll be Christmas before I know it. This is not good.
"Live in the present moment" is a teaching I've stumbled across a few times, yet I've never been able to fully grasp the lesson. If anyone has any ideas on how to do this, please share! One of the things I've started to learn is that I should never be afraid to ask for help. I may not always be willing to accept it, of course, but that's something I need to learn too.
You know how when you've slipped up on something, some resolution or otherwise, you often tell yourself, "Next year, I'll be better." Well, although it's coming up quickly, next year is still six months away. Why not start being better now? Why not look back over your resolutions again and see what you can pick back up today? Why not stop the floating along and return to Earth?
Return to Earth - this can take on so many meanings than just grounding yourself in reality. Mother Earth is a great healer and a great teacher. A tree can dig its roots deep into the Earth while still stretching up and reaching for the sky. You can do the same. Flowers start as small seeds in darkness and grow to become beautiful roses or lilacs or lilies. The seasons change and Nature doesn't resist. Nature changes with the spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Leaves unfurl, redden, fade to brown, and fall to the ground and in the spring, new leaves come again. Life is a beautiful cycle, and we as human beings are a part of that cycle. Indeed, our own lives are a cycle, from birth through childhood to adulthood and then on to old age and death. We share this cycle with all the living things off the Earth and so we are never truly alone on our journey through life.
Return to Earth - be aware of the world around you. Be grateful for every experience, whether it's good or bad. Be grateful for the people around you, the roof over your head, the food on your table. Take advantage of the bounty around you: love, joy, happiness, the fresh produce of summer farmers' markets, the glorious green leaves and bright flowers of the season, your family, your lover or spouse, your children or grandchildren, the puppies that greet you after a hard day, the friends who make you laugh.
Return to Earth - return to the spiritual roots that guided you through so much of your life. Your life, your choices, your likes and dislikes, the home around you, these are all products of you, and you are a product of your Creator. So is the Earth. Love and care for the Earth as you would a beloved family member, for you are a part of the Earth and she is a part of you. Embrace the Earth, and you will be embracing your Creator. In this embrace, you will find all the strength that you need.
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