South Carolina generally tends to have fairly mild winters but what we've been having this year could be called anything but winter. There have, of course, been a few cold days but no snow. We've had some mild, sunny days as well as lots of rainy ones.
About three weeks ago or so, the daffodils in our side garden decided that it was time for them to push their way up. The lilies are acting the same, and the hyacinth - well, it's already been in bloom for two weeks. Some of the daffodils in the backyard are now open and a few are starting by the azaleas along the street. This morning, I saw a huge flock of robins in a yard.
I think the groundhog was wrong. Spring is officially springing in the south.
Now, this could be taken as a great thing and, believe me, I love seeing sunny yellow daffodils as much as the next person (except for those allergic to them, I'm sure). But it's just the middle of February and winter technically isn't over. I know there's some oscillation weather pattern thing that's keeping it mild (with the exception of Alaska) but what happens if that weather pattern suddenly shifts? What will become of my poor daffodils then if we suddenly get a freeze?
I suppose I shouldn't worry about it, like I shouldn't worry about a great many things that are beyond my control. This is a fault of mine that I've been trying to work on. Worry causes stress and white hair and wrinkles and heart conditions. I don't need any of that right now.
The arrival of spring, with the changing face of Mother Earth, has me wondering about my own personal changes. When the new year started, I opted for a healthier diet, giving up unnecessary things like fast food, soda, and processed sugar. I also tried exercising but I've been less successful at that, with the exception of getting at least a fifteen-minute walk in almost every day. The healthier diet has been easier to stick to than I thought, though I do have my occasional slip-ups. One thing I've discovered, though. If I try to take a sip of soda or eat a bite of cake, I just can't handle it. Too much sugar! I've really rather enjoyed my whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and salads.
Many other things will be changing this year and new phases in my life will be beginning, just as spring is beginning now. I hope I face my changes as bravely as the daffodils do and bloom into my own beautiful flower when this is all done.